Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Tuk Tuk Evolution – Survival of the biggest

From my travels to the eastern parts of the world, I remember a rule on the roads in Bangladesh that I suppose applies in the UK as well. But our approach in the UK isn’t as aggressive as I saw in Bangladesh.

To drive in Bangladesh, you must learn how to do road rage. It’s all a part of driving, you must also toot your horn more than you press the accelerator and learn how to ignore every colour of the traffic light, especially as the local electricity tends to cut out around 4pm from overheating, at which point there are no street lights let alone traffic lights.

The rule in particular I’m talking about is the survival of the biggest rule. In the UK we call it giving priority to larger vehicles. In Bangladesh, if you are a Coach or TaTa Truck, then the road is officially yours and you can speed up behind cars and literally force them to move over, in return the cars aim for the wonderful Tuk Tuks which luckily are not the end of this chain, the Tuk Tuk crew get to push around motorbikes and Rickshaw riders. And if you thought that it ends there, then you’re wrong. The rickshaw drivers have the task of getting the sheer number of human traffic to stay out their way. So in a way if the truck didn’t start the chain off, we would have roads full of people trying to walk over each other.

So all this brings me to my latest addition to my future Tuk Tuk build, I will need a warning triangle and possibly a in car First Aid Kit. I found a great deal at www.essexautoparts.co.uk, they have 25% off their First Aid Kits and good deals on other car safety products.